Being a parent is one of the most rewarding things that one can experience. As we watch our young children grow, we notice their strengths and the areas in which they struggle. This is no different for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
If you’ve been a part of the Autism community for a while, you also know that there is still so much to be learned about it, which is why many parents seek out supportive online parenting groups. These groups help parents share their experiences and share various remedies or supplementation that may have helped alleviate their child’s ASD symptoms– delayed language and movement skills, picky eating, poor sleeping habits, etc.
But is there any scientific evidence to support any of these claims? Today, we will discuss the research and positive effects that vitamin and mineral supplementation, including magnesium for autism, may have on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism Research
In recent years, we have continued to learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder through research and clinical trials. As technology advances, so does our knowledge of the neurodevelopmental disorder and the various treatments that may help to improve ASD symptoms, including the role of magnesium autism research.
One of the main symptoms or signs associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder is delayed language skills. Often, this is usually the first sign that your toddler may have ASD and is generally noticed around 3 when children begin to piece together words. There is no exact reason or consensus on which underlying medical concerns may contribute to delayed communication in Autism. Still, many researchers point to levels of essential nutrients that may affect brain function.
We know more about Autism now than ever before, and one of the primary connections that have been observed is the relationship between nutritional deficits in children and Autism. In fact, it’s these same studies that sparked the idea and basis behind Simple Spectrum Supplements, so you know that our team strongly believes in the power of supplementation.
Is Vitamin B6 & Magnesium For Autism?
For decades, parents have raved about the role of B6 and magnesium for autism symptoms with little science to back up their claims – It was considered a home remedy or not even considered at all by those in the medical field. In the last 20 years, however, more research has emerged that supports the idea that supplementation of key nutrients–such as magnesium and B6– can help to alleviate or improve symptoms of ASD.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that contributes to a number of functions in the human body, such as immune health, brain health, and energy. As processed foods become more and more available, people are eating less “real” or natural foods, which is why we have seen a decline in magnesium levels in children and adults, potentially leading to magnesium deficiency autism concerns.
Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin that is necessary for over 60 biological processes in the body, including brain function. Researchers found that Vitamin B6 with magnesium has potential effects to alleviate the core symptoms of autism, including language delays, social interactions, and picky eating, making b6 for autism a popular consideration for many parents.
So what is the connection between B6, Magnesium and Autism? Just to be clear, low levels of Vitamin B6 and magnesium do not cause Autism, but individuals who have Autism may also have lower levels of these and other essential nutrients. It must also be noted that B6 and magnesium supplementation, when taken alone, may not work for everyone. It also may not address other dietary or nutritional deficiencies your child may have. That is why we made sure to include both B6 and Magnesium in our Nutritional Support Formula, providing essential nutrients for magnesium for autistic kids.
Even though we know more now than ever before about Autism, we are still continuing to learn every day. Most parents aren’t looking for a cure for Autism but a way to help alleviate the symptoms that may be causing stress to their child. Every situation is different and so is every child. Some parents want to help their children improve their eating or sleeping habits, and others simply want to help hear their child’s voice. No matter the reason, talk to your pediatrician to see how supplementation might help your child!